Signing the petition at Monsignor Romero Commemoration

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“Does Ottawa believe the Salvadoran government is terrorist?”

El Salvador - CanadaUnder that sharp headline, Matthew Behrens publishes today at a very interesting and well documented article about the situation of Oscar Vigil and the double standard that is some times present in Canada’s immigration system.

You can read the whole article here. These are some excerpts:

[…] Against this backdrop, two Salvadorans who refused to participate in the U.S.- and Canadian-backed terrorist regime that ruled the country during the 1980s — and who, like thousands of their fellow Salvadorans, became associated with the FMLN — are now facing a Kafkaesque immigration nightmare. At the same time as Canada recognizes the FMLN government in San Salvador, it is trying to deport long-time Canadian residents Oscar Vigil of Toronto and Jose Figueroa of Langley, B.C., because of their former membership in the FMLN, claiming it is an organization “that there are reasonable grounds to believe engages, has engaged or will engage in acts” that include “espionage,” “terrorism,” and “subversion by force of any government.” […]

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Unreasonable decisions

Oscar Vigil is another immigrant who is being affected by unreasonable decisions by immigration officers. Join us in support of The Vigil Campaign.

To the Vigil family: Please receive all our solidarity, and our commitment to share with you what we have learned in the struggle against a deportation order. Be strong brother, sooner or later we will be able to achieve justice!

Oscar Vigil es otro inmigrante afectado por decisiones irracionales hechas por oficiales de inmigracion. Hagamos un solo nudo en solidaridad con la Campaña Vigil Campaign.

A la familia Vigil: Recibe nuestra solidaridad y compromiso de compartir lo que hemos aprendido en nuestra lucha contra la orden de deportacion.

¡Fuerza hermano que muy pronto lograremos justicia!

Jose Figueroa

He has made so many contributions to this country

My friend Oscar Vigil, a colleague journalist from El Salvador who has been in Toronto for 12 years, has been informed that his refugee claim has been denied. Very few times I have met a fellow Hispanic immigrant who has made so many contributions to this country. Please like his page to support him!

Mi amigo Oscar, colega periodista de El Salvador, quien ha vivido en Toronto desde hace 12 años, ha sido informado que debe retornar a su país debido a que se le negó su petición de refugio. Pocas veces he conocido a otro miembro de la comunidad inmigrante Hispana que haya realizado tantas contribuciones a este país. ¡Dale “like” a su página para apoyarlo!

Monica Belluso Gonzalez Kimmel

I was in the situation of Oscar

My name is Hector Sermeño a Salvadoran journalist, based in NYC. I was also in the situation of Oscar in 2001 and I returned to El Salvador, where I could not live one more year. The situation was so difficult to carry on there, especially when one has had problems with the police because of the journalistic work. Things have gotten worse now, because there is a high percentage of police officers linked to common crime and also organized crime.

For all this I think it is completely unfair that Canadian immigration, a country that has always been known for helping migrants worldwide, denied a person like Oscar Vigil to live and work there. He’s such as a great person and a well recognized professional in the journalistic field. I know Oscar pretty well, I used to work with him, both in El Salvador, as in Toronto. I know him as a person and as a professional too. I’m completely sure he and his family deserves to have a peaceful life in any place out of El Salvador.

What a shame, how it has changed Canada!

Hector Sermeño