Oscar and his family have been beneficial to our country and we should welcome them to stay here.
Wendy McLeod-Kreller
Oscar and his family have been beneficial to our country and we should welcome them to stay here.
Wendy McLeod-Kreller
I’ve known Oscar to be a caring individual and is willing to help other immigrants settle here in Canada. I am absolutely sure that he can be a positive contributor to the Canadian society. In fact he already is.
Nestor Perez
Mr. Vigil has very compelling humanitarian reasons to be allowed to remain in Canada. Clearly he has been a good Canadian citizen and member of his community for many years. What could possibly be gained by deporting him, aside from international shaming for Canada and lots of pain and sorrow for his family and friends?
I’ve known and worked with many Salvadorans and it seems to me that they could all be deported on similar grounds, because they opposed a brutal government that reigned by the force of death squads. What decent and thinking person wouldn’t oppose that?! We need more of their kind in Canada not less!
For goodness sake, let Oscar and his family stay together and in Canada!
Anneli Tolvanen
I urge Hon. Chris Alexander, Citizenship and Immigration Minister, to reverse the unfair deportation of Oscar Vigil.
I hope he will be allowed to remain in this country of opportunities, otherwise it would mean breaking his already established family in Canada since 2001.
Marco A. Guzman
Former Secretary General
Canadian Hispanic Congress (CHC)
I worked on numerous campaigns for peace and justice in El Salvador and supported refugees from this country. To deport Mr. Vigil now is an injustice the Canadian government should be ashamed of. I am proud to have Mr. Vigil and his family in Canada.
Susan Soper
Another egregious mistake by the Harper government. Showing, yet again, that they have no true Canadian soul.
Hang in there Oscar!
Peter Wilson
We strongly believe that Oscar Vigil should be allowed to remain in Canada and take our citizenship here. If we now support the government of El Salvador, surely we would support a person who helped that government come into being. The fact that his wife and children are Canadians should be reason enough. To deport him would be to play the game of the former government of El Salvador. We need to be much larger and more ethical than that! To deport him would be simply mean-spirited. Where is grace?
Mary MacDonald and Paul Vavasour
Considering the fact that this gentleman has been a model citizen for the last 13 years, I would like the Canadian government to allow him to stay. Besides, breaking up the family would be a moral injustice, the ramifications of which we cannot foresee.
Patricia Barthe
Dear Mr Vigil. I’m so sorry for the idiocy and inhumanity of our Conservative government and the incredible stress they are putting you and your family through. I lost my husband to almost an identical ruling many years ago. My daughter has grown up without her dad. All because my husband believed in justice for the people of El Salvador (ironically my involvement with the FMLN lasted longer than my husband yet he was punished with deportation).
Thanks you for your contribution to your countries (Canada & El Salvador). I will work on getting people to sign your petition.
Best of Luck
Margaret L.
Oscar should receive a medal for his courage rather than a deportation order – shame on the Canadian government.
Leslie Page